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Accessible Green Water-Saving Initiatives by a Commercial Landscaping Service

There are countless advantages to the growing trend for urban greening in the Bay Area, not least of which is the opportunity to reduce the water costs by a commercial landscaping service. Here at FloraTerra, we always remind our clients that there is no reason to settle for anything less than spectacular and sustainable commercial landscape design. These days, with a variety of green scaping solutions at our fingertips, it truly is possible to have the best of both worlds!

With that in mind, if you are looking for water conservation tips from a commercial landscape design company in San Jose then you’ve come to the right place. Read on to discover our latest tops for seizing the financial and environmental benefits of sustainable landscape design for yourself.

Making Irrigation Maintenance a Priority

As irrigation design and maintenance experts, we sadly often arrive at a new client property to discover that water distribution systems haven’t been adequately maintained and that leaks are skyrocketing monthly utility costs. This is particularly problematic in areas with high water pressure where losses are most rapid, but can be a bane to any budget in our drought-inclined Bay Area.

Vitally, in thoughtful drought tolerant landscape design, irrigation is well applied so that water is used by plants rather than lost to runoff, soak away, or evaporation. Irrigation systems that become damaged over time or are not modified to reflect a maturing and changing landscape will often administer the wrong volumes of water or simply allow precious H20 to be lost on a daily basis, resulting in a one-two punch of less attractive landscapes and soaring bills.


Identifying and Resolving Irrigation Issues

Every commercial landscape design is unique and requires a bespoke approach to irrigation. Differences in water pressure, restrictions, plant choices, and micro-climates should steer your trusted landscape design specialist toward the most cost-effective solution to meet your needs.

In this regard, for pre-existing landscaping, a great place to start is with a landscape survey to improve water efficiency. This will pinpoint leaks, misdirected water, and ineffective or damaged infrastructure, and can be followed by monthly system checks to keep water conservation measures on track. Depending on your property’s needs, modern drip irrigation, smart irrigation technology, and rain sensors can be used to further enhance efficiency. As your water bills fall, you can be confident of a return on your initial investment.

Applying Mulch to Retain Water and Prevent Erosion

The application of attractive ground mulches in borders and around shrubs can also dramatically enhance landscape drought tolerance and reduce water costs. Better yet, it will also inevitably decrease maintenance demands as weed growth is suppressed.

Beyond enhancing the neat presentation of commercial landscaping, mulch makes light work of locking in water by slowing evaporation, allowing a further reduction of irrigation water volumes and supporting further green savings.

hoa landscaping service, bay area ca

Favor Native and Drought-Tolerant Plant Species

It is no secret these days that traditional garden design and landscaped areas are growing increasingly costly and difficult to maintain in our Californian climate. That’s why our Commercial & HOA landscape design company is proactively reinventing lawns, helping our clients to make the most of a range of lawn replacement strategies, from xeriscaping to planting more resilient grass species. We can also support you in navigating access to and maximally leveraging the recent boosts to funding for local lawn replacement rebate and incentive programs.

These advantages can be doubled down on with the introduction of shrubs, trees, and border plants that are either native or better suited to our Bay Area climate, such as drought friendly grasses and plant species from the Mediterranean basin. Our expert landscape designers will gladly guide you through the most effective and affordable ways to introduce a water-wise approach into your current or future landscaping budget, for improved year-round aesthetics and reduced upkeep costs.

Are you ready to seize the day when it comes to these accessible green water-saving initiatives? To reduce your commercial landscape costs while enhancing outdoor aesthetics, partner with FloraTerra. You can check in with our friendly team at 408.275.1200, or click here to schedule a free consultation today.

Call 408.275.1200 or Click Below


Santa Clara CountyAlameda CountySan Mateo County
Silicon Valley, CAFremont, CAPalo Alto, CA
San Jose, CANewark, CAMenlo Park, CA
Santa Clara, CAUnion City, CASan Carlos, CA
Sunnyvale, CAHayward, CABelmont, CA
Mountain View, CASan Leandro, CARedwood City, CA
Cupertino, CAAlameda, CAFoster City, CA
Milpitas, CADublin, CABurlingame, CA
Morgan Hill, CAPleasanton, CADaly City, CA
Gilroy, CALivermore, CASouth San Francisco, CA

How to Recession-Proof Your Commercial Landscape Service

Do you want to know how to recession-proof your commercial landscaping service for the future? Having proudly served large-property clients throughout the Bay Area for decades, we’re confident that the longevity of commercial landscape company FloraTerra comes down to our dedication to listening to the concerns of clients just like you and meeting these kinds of needs with innovation and precision.

Over the last five years, particularly since the beginning of the global Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve witnessed prestigious businesses strive to increase their financial resilience, building strength into the foundations of their enterprise and property management strategies. Fundamentally, we’ve heard a call to action—a challenge to further recession-proof our approach to commercial landscape design and maintenance—and that is a call that we have been excited to answer!

Our clients know that great landscaping is an investment that will put their brands on the map. However, building resilience into that investment means creating bold, verdant, and dynamic landscapes that are low-maintenance, minimally water-demanding, and drought-resistant at their core. That’s why we developed our Clean and Green® value engineered commercial landscape maintenance service; a toolkit to cut landscaping costs by up to 40%. So, read on to discover what this can mean for your property!

A Financially Savvy Strategy Starts With Analysis

When financial uncertainty or recession bites, slashing landscaping costs can seem like a logical next step. However, maintaining attractive green areas and keeping up curb appeal is a powerful competitive strategy when it comes to attracting and retaining top clients and employee talent when times are economically tough. The solution to this conundrum is to analyze landscape maintenance needs and find efficiencies to embrace before claiming room to maneuverer.

In the long run, any landscaping corners cut during a period of upheaval will ultimately represent escalating future costs to recover, remove, or replace landscaping installations. Poorly maintained irrigation can lead to leaks and runaway water costs. However, cost-reducing enhancements like installing water-saving drip irrigation, drought-tolerant plants, and low-maintenance xeriscaping can mean establishing a foundation now that will allow you to sail through future challenges unscathed.

Commercial Landscapers, Helping Bay Area Businesses Since 1998

Commercial Office Landscape Maintenance, San Jose CA

Re-Appraising Your Commercial Landscape Service

As global economic volatility continues to rumble, there has never been a better time to have a forward-looking plan in place for your recession-proof commercial landscaping service. Reduced cost commercial landscape maintenance means being proactive about cost planning and identifying contingencies.

This can include more obvious things like forecasting maintenance demands and assessing the sustainability of projects already in the pipeline, but also triaging lanscaping zones by value, such as property frontage, outdoor seating areas, and corporate insignias to safeguard your most important living green assets to optimize ROI in a way that will support endurance in any storm.

Capture Savings With Water Conservation

For any commercial landscape service, watering and irrigation represent one of the most costly commercial landscape maintenance aspects. However, many property owners and commercial site managers don’t realize that poor water management is ramping up their monthly costs and by extension, reducing their recession-readiness.

Making substantial money savings in this area is a specialty of the water management team here at FloraTerra. Our Bay Area landscape and the escalating water costs that impact so many of our clients make our landscape water conservation services more vital than ever, and undoubtedly worth your while.

Beyond the dramatic cost reductions that come with improving irrigation efficiencies and repairing or replacing antiquated infrastructure, we can guide you toward local rebates and incentive schemes in your area, advise on whether your local water agencies provide free water audit assistance or provide this service ourselves, help you identify if a reclaimed water installation may be worth pursuing, and so much more.

Thinking Outside the Box For Recession Proofing

Ultimately, each commercial landscape service is unique, with every enterprise navigating its own set of financial priorities and challenges. Happily, we have spent years honing a broad and scalable low-cost commercial landscape management plan ideal for reducing your landscaping costs and providing you with confidence in the face of future uncertainties.

The Public Policy Institute of California has highlighted that as we enter 2024, ours is a state that is excelling when it comes to financial resilience. Knowing this, we say there’s no reason why commercial landscaping should be overlooked in this regard. By weighing factors ranging from local weather patterns to the latest efficient technologies at our disposal, we can effectively transform your landscaping for the better.

For a tailored and site-specific budget that outlines how our seasoned recession-proof landscaping experts can save you money, contact the FloraTerra team today.

Call 408.275.1200 or Click Below


Santa Clara CountyAlameda CountySan Mateo County
Silicon Valley, CAFremont, CAPalo Alto, CA
San Jose, CANewark, CAMenlo Park, CA
Santa Clara, CAUnion City, CASan Carlos, CA
Sunnyvale, CAHayward, CABelmont, CA
Mountain View, CASan Leandro, CARedwood City, CA
Cupertino, CAAlameda, CAFoster City, CA
Milpitas, CADublin, CABurlingame, CA
Morgan Hill, CAPleasanton, CADaly City, CA
Gilroy, CALivermore, CASouth San Francisco, CA

Make Dramatic Water Cost Savings with Insider Tips from an HOA Landscape Designer

Life in the Bay Area of California comes with a generous annual dose of mood-boosting sunshine, but that also brings with it a tendency towards drought and the associated landscaping challenges. Residents and business owners alike can attest to the escalating water prices in recent years. This makes water conservation an essential focus for effective commercial landscape maintenance.

Great landscaping is a value-enhancing asset to any property, but you might find yourself worrying about how much water you’ll need to keep those attractive green spaces looking vibrant year-round. Fortunately for all, things like contemporary drought-tolerant landscape design, the latest irrigation technology, and an intelligent approach to plant choices can collectively drive down water consumption dramatically.

Better yet, when it comes to an HOA landscape designer in Redwood City Ca, there are even more tactics at your disposal for reducing costs and bolstering your eco-credentials—if you can tap the right expert’s resources. Today, we aim to help you in that very area by presenting a range of insider tips. Read on to make tangible savings on your landscaping costs with guidance from a landscape contractor who has mastered the art of water conservation and more!

Drought-Smart Landscape Design Adds Real Property Appeal

Whether your commercial landscaping frames a desirable HOA property, a retail destination, or a buzzing corporate campus, an eco-friendly and visually captivating landscape design is sure to encourage a higher caliber of residents, customers, or talent.

Happily, drought-tolerant HOA & Condominium Landscape Design offers a bounty of rewards, ensuring that water and maintenance costs are minimal as your plantscapes mature, enhancing your environmentally-friendly reputation with those that matter most, and even building towards successful LEED Building Certification. Talk to an expert commercial landscaping company like FloraTerra to leverage these kinds of benefits!

Landscaping Costs Can Be Offset By Available City and Municipal Rebates

The thought of a landscaping overhaul might seem intimidating, but did you know that you may be able to offset much of your investment with city and municipal rebates? With local authorities keen to encourage water conservation, impressive regional rebate programs see some single-family properties eligible to claim a total lifetime rebate cap of as much as $5,000 and multi-family locations as much as $65,000.

Navigating through the various hoops of landscaping rebate qualification can be complex, but as San Jose CLCA Certified Water Managers and approved rebate specialists, the FloraTerra team is always happy to assist our clients in this endeavor.

Thirsty Lawns Can Be Converted For Greater Style and Efficiency

Speaking of rebates, did you know that replacing a lawn with drought-tolerant landscaping can come with lawn replacement cash incentives as well as substantial water cost savings? For property owners and managers alike, this can be a huge budget saver.

We find that many of our clients are shocked to learn that a 20,000-foot lawn in the Bay Area might consume as much as 1,000,000 gallons of water annually! In contrast, drought-appropriate ground cover featuring exciting and verdant California-native and Mediterranean plant types will be far less thirsty. That represents a significant opportunity to save, freeing up resources for things that matter far more to your residents, clients, or visitors.

Contemporary Irrigation Systems Offer a Speedy ROI

An overhaul of an outdated sprinkler system might seem like an excessive investment, but the latest drip irrigation systems with weather-adaptive smart controllers quickly pay for themselves. In fact, you might not realize how inefficient sprinkler systems are under the strong Bay Area sun.

Crucially, conducting a landscape survey to improve water efficiency and making the switch to a smart irrigation system can actually cut the water consumption of your property in half—and that’s before you get into lawn replacements and rebate applications. Now we’re really making savings!

Sometimes the Simplest Solutions Can Reduce Water Costs

In truth, while a seasoned commercial landscape company known for creating incredible drought-tolerant spaces can certainly guide you through the complexities of installing recycled water systems, transitioning traditional landscaping to xeriscaping, and more, they should also have the wisdom to know that many solutions are simple, affordable, and dependable.

For example, the age-old art of mulching can reduce the amount that beds have to be watered by as much as two-thirds simply by shading and protecting the soil. In this sense, a truly great landscaping contractor will constantly strike a balance between a timeless understanding of nature and a finger on the pulse of the latest commercial landscaping advancements. As their client, you shouldn’t expect any less.

Established Water Management Services from FloraTerra

We have proudly been helping HOAs, retail business clients, corporate sites, and more across the Bay Area to save water and boost property values with spectacular landscaping for more than 25 years. Driven by a passion for outstanding service and a love for all things green, the FloraTerra Design Group is always excited to begin its journey with an unknown landscape and a new customer relationship.

If you’d like to explore sharing that adventure with us, call us on 408.275.1200 or Click Below. We’ll walk you through the water-saving and budget-friendly ways in which we can support your vision.

Call 408.275.1200 or Click Below


Santa Clara CountyAlameda CountySan Mateo County
Silicon Valley, CAFremont, CAPalo Alto, CA
San Jose, CANewark, CAMenlo Park, CA
Santa Clara, CAUnion City, CASan Carlos, CA
Sunnyvale, CAHayward, CABelmont, CA
Mountain View, CASan Leandro, CARedwood City, CA
Cupertino, CAAlameda, CAFoster City, CA
Milpitas, CADublin, CABurlingame, CA
Morgan Hill, CAPleasanton, CADaly City, CA
Gilroy, CALivermore, CASouth San Francisco, CA

How to Kick-Start an Amazing Relationship with Your HOA Landscaping Company

When launching into a bright new partnership with a San Jose Ca condominium and HOA landscape company, you may wonder how to get the best out of your budding agreement.

Landscaping always represents a substantial portion of any homeowner’s association budget, and as living, evolving things, the green spaces that frame such properties can seem like intangible assets with unquantifiable maintenance needs.

However, for a seasoned and trusted San Jose HOA landscape design service, efficiently maximizing the value and return of HOA landscaping isn’t a mystery.

Better yet, when you know how to work with expert landscapers effectively, you can guarantee fantastic results that reward every cent you invest.

A great example of this value in action can be found in how masterfully your HOA landscape Service in Redwood City Ca prioritize water conservation.

Even though California has lifted its 15% water conservation target for now, rolling shortages and rising water rates are a valid cause for concern among HOAs in the Bay Area.

The good news is that when your landscapers are certified Water Conservation Specialists, you can be confident that they will find powerful opportunities to reduce your water costs while keeping landscaping looking at its absolute best.

So, what else do you need to know about building a harmonious and prosperous bond with your landscaping company?

Follow these tips to get off on strong footing so that your HOA’s outdoor areas can go from strength to strength while remaining comfortably on-budget.

1. Be Ultra Clear About Your Goals

Sadly, far too many property managers fall into an unhealthy pattern with their landscapers of reactive rather than proactive spending.

This is a particular risk with less experienced landscape contractors who bite off more than they can chew. Mitigating such risk begins with choosing a veteran landscaping company with a proven track record and then starting off with a stellar game plan.

When your landscapers know exactly what you dream of for your HOA site, a clear and affordable budget can easily be developed.

The right landscaping company will ensure that you get the most from your initial walk-throughs so that well-formed plans can be laid.

2. Place Cost Reductions High on the Agenda

You might be surprised to know that something seemingly costly like a landscaping contract can open a door to substantial money savings in the long run.

At FloraTerra, we find that most of the landscapes placed in our care are loaded with opportunities for cost reductions. For example, transforming outdated and thirsty garden designs into incredible drought-tolerant spaces is an entirely achievable feat.

As a Homeowner Association Landscape Company in San Jose, Ca with a deep understanding of delivering seamless landscape maintenance under the challenges that come with our local climate, we always make it a priority to save our clients money, thus making our services entirely worth their while!

3. Modernize for Further Cost Savings

The art of water conservation, efficient landscape design, and property maintenance have all come a long way in recent years. For example, did you know that upgrading to modern irrigation equipment with smart weather-tracking controllers can save as much as 50% on water usage?

An HOA landscape service that knows how to implement the latest techniques, always applies appropriate irrigation schedules for our local climate, and uses the latest low-noise and energy-efficient equipment is just the ally to have in your corner.

They will be able to help you bring your property up to speed, ensuring that your landscaping spend is a source of comfort rather than a drag on resources.

4. Discuss Adaptability and Dynamism with Your Landscaper

Despite every possible precaution, every HOA landscape is vulnerable to the unexpected from time to time. This is exactly why a trusted landscape management expert will never aim to max out your landscaping budget, but rather leave room to maneuver.

There should always be resources in the kitty for things like a burst water main or storm damage, so make sure you partner with an HOA and condominium lawn maintenance service in San Jose CA who will be there for you in a crisis and is prepared for every eventuality.

Would you like to know more about how FloraTerra can support your HOA landscaping goals? From irrigation upgrades to tree care; from landscape design to lawn replacements: we’ve got you covered!

Contact our team today to experience this amazing collaborative landscaping relationship for yourself. Call 408.275.1200 or Click Below.

Call 408.275.1200 or Click Below


Santa Clara CountyAlameda CountySan Mateo County
Silicon Valley, CAFremont, CAPalo Alto, CA
San Jose, CANewark, CAMenlo Park, CA
Santa Clara, CAUnion City, CASan Carlos, CA
Sunnyvale, CAHayward, CABelmont, CA
Mountain View, CASan Leandro, CARedwood City, CA
Cupertino, CAAlameda, CAFoster City, CA
Milpitas, CADublin, CABurlingame, CA
Morgan Hill, CAPleasanton, CADaly City, CA
Gilroy, CALivermore, CASouth San Francisco, CA

Hire the Perfect HOA Landscape Designer

There is no doubt that a great HOA landscape design can make a huge impression and drive interest through the roof. However, finding the perfect landscaping collaborator is absolutely essential for ensuring outstanding value for residents and an optimal return on investment.

As utility costs continue to rise, Forbes reveals that some 35% of those in homeowners associations believe that theirs are too expensive to justify the benefits. So, how can you ensure that your HOA remains on the right side of this statistic?

In truth, the right Homeowner Association Landscape Company in San Jose, Ca will do so much more than ensure that your property’s green spaces reflect the quality that lies within. Additionally, they will harness expertise in commercial landscape maintenance, water management, and low-demand drought-tolerant design to better ensure that your landscaped areas are just as efficient as they are stunning.

In this regard, a seasoned HOA landscape specialist is the ultimate ally, able to transform your property toward its potential for the benefit of both residents and your bottom line.

Knowing this, today we aim to walk you through how to identify a worthy landscaping collaborator. Here’s what you need to know about hiring the perfect HOA landscape specialist in 2023.

Conceptualizing Your Goals and Objectives

Before connecting with the commercial landscape contractors on your radar, it is worth outlining exactly what you aim to achieve with their assistance.

This should include your budget and landscape design goals as well as specific aims such as achieving LEED certification, attracting a higher caliber of residents, and/or reducing monthly water costs. As rising rates put countless HOAs at a crossroads right across California, your property’s outlook can remain optimistic with the right commercial landscape company in your corner.

As an overview of your aspirations begins to take shape, you can zero in on the finer details ahead of your first commercial landscape company consultation.

For example, what are your commercial tree care needs, do you wish to request a seasonal flowers service, do you require day porters, and which facets should be incorporated into your contract or held back as an optional extra? Collating all of this key information will make the Request for Proposal process far more productive.

FloraTerra Team

Partnering With a Trusted Commercial Landscape Company

Assessing experience and credentials is a must when procuring any commercial landscaping service. They should not only be able to share how long they have been in business, but also their track record serving HOA clients specifically, with references and examples to hand.

For our drought-prone Bay Area climate, a top-notch landscaping company will be seasoned in water-conscious practices and know exactly which plant species will be able to thrive when the thermometer climbs.

They should also be fully equipped with the latest low-polluting equipment and able to meet all of your requirements in-house, mitigating the need for costly outsourcing.

Checking Their Accreditations, Background, and Certifications

The quality of commercial landscaping required for any multi-family property far exceeds that of smaller private gardens.

To design, install, and maintain such green areas, your landscape contractor must be fully accredited, certified, and insured. To avoid expensive future missteps, don’t hesitate to inquire about training, affiliations, certifications, and more. 

The reception your inquiries receive will serve as a further safeguard in the vetting process, because if communication isn’t open and honest from day one, then it is unlikely to improve. Learn more about the importance of safety protocols for HOA landscaping companies and HOA landscape company red flags to look out for when seeking a new contractor.

Initiating the Request for Proposal Process

When a commercial landscape company candidate has met your initial expectations, you can initiate a Request for Proposal. While you might have an ironclad budget in mind, a skilled service provider will also be able to work with you to balance your design and cost objectives, so don’t be afraid to discuss scalable solutions and explore unanticipated possibilities.

The comprehensive and budget-friendly RFP that you receive should reflect not only initial landscape development but also long-term maintenance. When all comes together seamlessly, this is the moment at which landscape design and transformation can begin!

With the ideal HOA landscape design and maintenance company at your side, you will be able to look forwards to an ever-evolving and constantly improving landscape that further enhances your resident’s daily experience with each passing year.

The FloraTerra Design Group takes great pride in delivering outstanding service, from elegant, low-maintenance, and drought-tolerant landscape design through to intuitive and contemporary care for the green spaces in our trust.

We draw upon more than 25 years of experience serving HOA properties across the Bay Area. If you’d like to discover more about our landscape service for apartments, condominiums & HOAs in San Jose Ca, why not connect with the team today?

To enjoy this kind of freedom in HOA landscape maintenance and so much more, connect with FloraTerra today.

Call 408.275.1200 or Click Below


Santa Clara CountyAlameda CountySan Mateo County
Silicon Valley, CAFremont, CAPalo Alto, CA
San Jose, CANewark, CAMenlo Park, CA
Santa Clara, CAUnion City, CASan Carlos, CA
Sunnyvale, CAHayward, CABelmont, CA
Mountain View, CASan Leandro, CARedwood City, CA
Cupertino, CAAlameda, CAFoster City, CA
Milpitas, CADublin, CABurlingame, CA
Morgan Hill, CAPleasanton, CADaly City, CA
Gilroy, CALivermore, CASouth San Francisco, CA

7 Top Tips for Choosing an HOA Landscape Company in Santa Clara County CA

When it comes to choosing the perfect HOA Landscaping company in Santa Clara County, there are several crucial factors to consider.

The ideal collaborator will not only be able to support you in bolstering property values, increased rental income, higher occupancy rates, but also in reducing water costs and enhancing your landscaping return on investment for years to come.

To get the absolute best from your vital HOA Landscaping Service, you need trusted, seasoned, and fully credentialed commercial landscapers for water and drought planning in Santa Clara County Ca.

With that in mind, today we’re going to examine some of the strongest indicators that will help you ensure a prosperous partnership can grow and flourish right from day one.


A truly worthy HOA landscaping company will offer so much more than week-to-week maintenance. The right contractor will have a full and deep understanding of the key qualities that define amazing HOA landscape design and be able to draw your future goals and vision into a long-term plan that aligns with both your desires and budget.

This should be reflected in monthly reporting, easy client oversight of work orders, and demonstration of excellence in every area of your HOA landscaping service.


Landscaping represents one of the largest overheads for any HOA property, and so your expectations should be high when it comes to the quality of communication and support.

Your go-to HOA landscaping contractor should be ahead of the everyday and available to navigate the unexpected. The best way to find confidence in this regard is by partnering with an HOA landscape company that offers a contemporary digital client portal.

Your account should also be overseen by a primary account manager who readily cultivates a thorough understanding of the unique needs of your property and operations. Their work should be proactive, from anticipating seasonal tasks through to advising on opportunities to participate in the Santa Clara County Landscape Rebate Program.


Transparency is absolutely essential for any successful Commercial Gardening Service in Santa Clara Ca. After all, there’s nothing worse than signing on the dotted line, only to realize that you’re not getting all the extras that you’d anticipated.

Without a doubt, a high-caliber HOA landscaping company will ensure that its bid reflects a comprehensive service that befits the year-round requirements of a homeowners association. As such, every aspect of landscape maintenance should be detailed and provided in-house, ensuring the best possible value for you and your residents.


Prospective residents are often impressed by green credentials when seeking their dream HOA property. However, there are additional reasons to favor an eco-friendly commercial landscape company.

With utility rates continuing to rise, water conservation in Santa Clara County has never been so important. Crucially, landscaping practices that work with natural rhythms, prioritize water saving, and emphasize native and drought-tolerant plant choices invariably draw landscape maintenance costs down for the client.


The green spaces that frame an elegant HOA property are never off the clock, and so neither should your landscaping contractor be. When something untoward happens out of hours, from a burst water pipe to storm damage to trees, you’ll want to know that your landscapers are ready to come to the rescue.

All HOA managers will know how crucial it is to ensure an absence of hazards on the property they oversee. The right HOA landscaping company will take this matter just as seriously and should always be only a phone call away, day or night. So don’t be afraid to quiz any prospective landscape service provider about their round-the-clock support standards.


A beautiful commercial landscape is a living asset that should always be placed in trusted hands. As such, when a landscaper comes in with a lowball proposal, it is vital to investigate whether their offer is too good to be true.

Sadly, far too many landscape service providers oversell their capacity or cut corners in order to secure valuable HOA landscape maintenance contracts. When this happens, it is the client that pays the ultimate price.

Effective landscape maintenance required attention to detail and consistent efficiency. In contrast, when tasks are neglected or deferred, the need to make substantial investments can arise in order to restore green spaces and their associated infrastructure.

This highlights the wisdom of seeking seasoned and expert HOA landscape maintenance companies that will offer competitive and complete care for your high-performance landscaping.


Your HOA, condo, and apartment landscape maintenance company in Santa Clara CA should come with years of experience in the specialist field that your property represents, because the landscaping of multi-family complexes and large HOA communities requires a very different skillset from private residential gardening service.

When you choose the right collaborator, you can experience the total confidence and budgetary clarity that liberates you to explore the more fun aspects of HOA landscape maintenance, such as bay-friendly practices, colorful floral displays and HOA & Condominium Landscape Designers to meet your residents as each season passes.

To enjoy this kind of freedom in HOA landscape maintenance and so much more, connect with FloraTerra today.

Call 408.275.1200 or Click Below


Santa Clara CountyAlameda CountySan Mateo County
Silicon Valley, CAFremont, CAPalo Alto, CA
San Jose, CANewark, CAMenlo Park, CA
Santa Clara, CAUnion City, CASan Carlos, CA
Sunnyvale, CAHayward, CABelmont, CA
Mountain View, CASan Leandro, CARedwood City, CA
Cupertino, CAAlameda, CAFoster City, CA
Milpitas, CADublin, CABurlingame, CA
Morgan Hill, CAPleasanton, CADaly City, CA
Gilroy, CALivermore, CASouth San Francisco, CA

Transitioning Your Commercial Landscape Service from Winter to Spring

It’s welcome news that half of California, including the Bay Area, is now no longer in drought. This certainly bodes well for getting our region’s most spectacular commercial landscapes off to a good start this season. However, it’s no reason to let our guard down as another hot and dry summer surely lies ahead.

Effective water management and drought-resistant landscape design are just two of the priorities that should be high on the list of all working in landscaping at this time of year. In this regard, the transition from winter to spring is a key time to lay a firm foundation for gardens that will thrive right through until the end of the year, no matter how extreme the weather becomes.

In fact, as any commercial property owner knows, it is so essential that the landscapes framing commercial settings offer aesthetic appeal 365 days per year. This requires always looking ahead, which is certainly part of our modus operandi here at FloraTerra Landscape Management.

Winter to Spring Landscaping Checklist

If you are already among our valued clients, then you’ll be confident that the following essential tips are already in hand. However, if you are beginning a new collaborative landscaping journey as the first seasonal changes of the year get underway, here are some great pointers to get you started on a strong footing right away.

1. Audit for Seasonal Property Damage

Winter often brings frost, heavy rain, strong winds, and sometimes all three at once. No matter how well your commercial landscape contractor prepares ahead of time, there may still be repairs to make. Hardscaping often bears the brunt of exposure to the elements while cold-sensitive plants can suffer frost damage whenever temperatures dip too low.

It’s handy to keep in mind that certain winter impacts may already be covered within your commercial landscaping contract while others may extend beyond it. In either case, your trusted contractor will be able to advise on the best options for a quick remedy as well as how to mitigate future risk.

2. Conduct Post-Winter Tree Care

Trees will inevitably suffer storm damage from time to time, making now an excellent moment to call in one of our talented Bay Area Commercial Arborists for an aesthetic and safety-related tidy-up.

Your commercial landscaping maintenance company should also make quick work of removing or replacing tree stakes that are no longer serving their purpose. These tall-standing poles play an essential role in supporting young trees in their first few years but should always be removed when broken or no longer required.

3. Schedule Hardscape Cleaning and Maintenance

As the winter’s temperamental weather patterns gently fade, the time arrives to clear away any debris or residues found on high-profile patios, walkways, and stairways. Leaves and runoff from nearby banks can leave these areas in need of a good pressure wash. Fortunately, your commercial landscape contractor will soon have them looking as good as new and ready to welcome the spring’s busy footfall.

4. Clear Away Remaining Plant Debris 

The best approach for year-round commercial landscaping is to regularly clear dead material from green spaces during the colder months. However, recurring waves of cold weather will mean that a final clear-away is a must before spring growth resumes.

A seasoned commercial landscaper will be keen to clean up ornamentally planted areas during this optimal window before applying spring mulches and ensuring that every plant has the perfect foundation upon which to build. Removing organic debris is also an important part of fire-preventive landscaping and strategic pest control.

5. Perform a Timely Irrigation Audit

The transition from winter to spring is the perfect time to carefully audit your irrigation systems, ensuring that everything is operating optimally and that there is no frost or wear damage. The FloraTerra team are experts in irrigation design and installation so they’ll certainly zip through this task.

It is important that water is delivered where it will be needed—you won’t want a misalignment to leave you watering your walls or parking lot. Plus, an unnoticed irrigation leak now will mean escalating water bills later, so consider this process a wise investment if it isn’t already included in your commercial landscaping contract. Not to mention, if you don’t already have a contemporary irrigation setup, we may be able to guide you through accessing associated rebates.

Let’s Discuss Your Pre-Season Landscaping Priorities

Alongside essential winter-to-spring maintenance, this part of the year provides an excellent opportunity to get together and talk through your landscaping aspirations for the seasons ahead. A joint on-site meeting will allow us to confirm ongoing maintenance schedules and plan special projects such as infrastructure upgrades or fun floral planting schemes to add a dose of extra color.

By taking the time to touch base, we can cover any hot-button concerns that you may have, refine forward planning, and schedule future follow-ups. We can ensure that landscaping maintenance continues to align with your budget and service expectations, while also discussing whether you require water-wise landscape enhancements to reduce your property’s running costs. Crucially, the better we understand your needs, the better we can ensure that your dollar spend yields the best possible returns in support of your long-term goals.
Are you ready to get started with a commercial landscape company that always prioritizes your best interests? Request a consultation with your local FloraTerra Landscape Professional today. We’ll come and meet you in person, create a customized plan for your specific service needs, and help you take your property to the next level. Get in touch today to find out more.

Call 408.275.1200 or Click Below


Santa Clara CountyAlameda CountySan Mateo County
Silicon Valley, CAFremont, CAPalo Alto, CA
San Jose, CANewark, CAMenlo Park, CA
Santa Clara, CAUnion City, CASan Carlos, CA
Sunnyvale, CAHayward, CABelmont, CA
Mountain View, CASan Leandro, CARedwood City, CA
Cupertino, CAAlameda, CAFoster City, CA
Milpitas, CADublin, CABurlingame, CA
Morgan Hill, CAPleasanton, CADaly City, CA
Gilroy, CALivermore, CASouth San Francisco, CA

7 Things to Consider When Selecting an HOA Landscape Company

If you’re on a budget and looking for a low-cost commercial landscaping service, there are a few key things to keep in mind. Because, yes, you should expect outstanding value for money from the right candidate, but you’ll also want to make sure that services rendered are going to provide a maximized return on investment.

The best San Jose Ca Condominium & HOA landscapers are seasoned at their craft and understand how to efficiently elevate properties so that their clients’ ultimate goals are supported. This includes expert knowledge on navigating the Bay Area droughts so that your water bills don’t go through the roof and your landscaping looks five-star in every season.

So, what are the need-to-knows when selecting an HOA landscape company? Today, we’re going to highlight 7 crucial factors that should be on your candidate credentials wish-list. For a successful collaboration that only adds to the value and occupancy of your property, keep your sights set on these considerations:

1. A Long-Standing and Exceptional Safety Record

Among the various HOA landscape operation red flags, few forewarn of graver outcomes than a lacking safety record. Emphasis in this critical area not only safeguards landscapers themselves as they work with potentially dangerous equipment, but also your residents and staff. So don’t hesitate to ask your commercial landscape company candidates about their records, protocols, and principles.

Safety within any HOA property landscape spans everything from professional operational practices through to removing trip hazards, maintaining clear walkways, administering timely tree care, and advising on security-enhancing lighting. Landscapes curated for residents should be safe, welcoming environments, and your landscaper maintenance providers should prioritize accordingly.

2. Expertise in Sustainability, Drought Resistant Design, and Water Management

There is so much more to sustainability than supporting native wildlife or mitigating the negative impacts of climate change. A skilled HOA landscape contractor will understand that the very same practices that achieve these goals will also reduce maintenance requirements and water costs for your landscaping.

At FloraTerra, we always strive to help our landscaping clients conserve water, enhancing their ROI along the way. We take our green credentials further with things like drought-resistant landscape design, green waste reduction, zero-emission landscape equipment, and so much more. By working with nature rather than against it, we make sure that your HOA landscaping budget goes further.

3. Second-to-none Client Service Support

The landscapes enjoyed by tenants are never off the clock, and so neither should your HOA landscape company be. In fact, you should be able to reach a dedicated customer service team 24/7, as well as a convenient channel to a dedicated account manager and operations manager who know your property inside out. Here at FloraTerra Landscape Management, we’re always ready to provide support and will mobilize immediately if the unexpected occurs after hours.

4. Clear and Well-Structured Seasonal Budgeting

The annual budget for HOA landscape care is a complex thing to hone, simply because many tasks are seasonal. This makes it a must to collaborate with an HOA landscape service that can draw upon years of experience in accurately plotting and planning for the years ahead.

From year-round landscape care to budgeting special projects, you’ll always want to know what to expect right from the get-go, so be sure to look for transparency and clarity when it comes to setting costs. You know your financial goals and performance objectives, and the right landscaping company will know exactly how to help you balance them realistically.

5. Keeping You in the Know with Proactive Communication

When it comes to something as critical to HOA occupancy as landscaping, you never want to be left in the dark. Commercial landscaping companies shoulder a great deal of trust and strong communication is an excellent marker of that trust’s successful placement.

From day one, the right HOA landscape maintenance company should be highly responsive and proactive in communicating how they will meet and exceed your expectations. This should include friendly client onboarding, assigned point people who will oversee your account, an attentive on-site assessment, face-to-face meetings, a service that hits the ground running, and openness to ongoing feedback.

6. Harnessing Modern Technology to Make Your Service Seamless

In the modern age, even your HOA landscape company should be harnessing contemporary technology to improve their service and make your experience all the better.   Here at FloraTerra Landscape Management, we operate our own cloud-based software and private client portal so that you can stay in the loop, anytime, anywhere. Through our smartphone app and browser portal, clients are able to:

  • Submit service requests
  • Sign-up to receive tracking Information
  • View your projects
  • Receive validation on timely completions
  • View their PSAs and proposals
  • Reach out to their account management team
FloraTerra Team

7. Dedicated, Seasoned, and Impassioned Team Members

Finally, the last puzzle piece when selecting a worthy HOA landscape company is simply the caliber of the people. This means a dedication to ongoing training, cohesive and cared-for teams, and impassioned landscaping experts who are constantly actively improving.

At FloraTerra, we don’t just train employees—we educate them for life while ensuring that their career path always provides satisfaction. Not only that, but we are proud to call a broad range of experts our colleagues, including horticulturists, arborists, irrigation specialists, site safety managers, and landscape designers. This approach allows us to cut out 3rd parties and deliver every facet of your HOA landscaping service in-house, all year round.

Ultimately, HOA landscape maintenance is much more than “mow, blow and go”. It’s a partnership that requires a deep understanding of multi-family landscape design and how to maximize its potential in the long term. The bottom line is that beautiful gardens attract not only wildlife but also happy residents. So, ensure their meaningful outdoor experiences and connections by reaching out to our team today.

Call 408.275.1200 or Click Below


Santa Clara CountyAlameda CountySan Mateo County
Silicon Valley, CAFremont, CAPalo Alto, CA
San Jose, CANewark, CAMenlo Park, CA
Santa Clara, CAUnion City, CASan Carlos, CA
Sunnyvale, CAHayward, CABelmont, CA
Mountain View, CASan Leandro, CARedwood City, CA
Cupertino, CAAlameda, CAFoster City, CA
Milpitas, CADublin, CABurlingame, CA
Morgan Hill, CAPleasanton, CADaly City, CA
Gilroy, CALivermore, CASouth San Francisco, CA

What Is Xeriscaping? Discover This Exciting New HOA Landscape Trend

Whether its commercial landscaping or a residential property, we often inherit a garden design that may be more resource-thirsty than is ideal.

As demand is spread increasingly thin for California’s limited supply of water, a growing number of property owners are acting on the merits of a conversion to xeriscaping. But what exactly is this landscaping strategy, and what does it involve?

This contemporary approach to Bay Area landscape design offers the welcome reward of lower water consumption, reduced plant maintenance, and far less need for fertilizers and pest control measures.

Crucially, xeriscaping is a commercial landscape trend that aligns our efforts with nature, rather than working against her. Are you curious to know more? Read on as we explore the ins and outs of xeriscaping.

What Is Xeriscaping?

To achieve all of these welcome time and money-saving traits, xeriscaping harnesses the use of highly attractive, slow-growing, and drought tolerant plants—often those native to California or other Mediterranean-style climates.

Taking this concept further, putting the right plant in the right place is prioritized, based on factors such as aspect, soil type, and micro climate. With such forethought, pest and disease problems are mitigated, and the resulting landscapes are as robust as they are aesthetic.

The xeriscapes garden is designed to be water wise, using strategic landscaping, mulches, and ground cover to keep H20 where it is needed most, while preventing evaporation.

This approach also means that maintenance is reduced to the minimum, with little weeding to worry about.

Landowners enjoy the associated reduction in maintenance costs, while residents experience living or working within a thriving and dependable landscaped environment, no matter how challenging the dry season’s climate may become.

The Key Ingredients of Xeriscaping

As Bay Area commercial landscapers, we know all too well that historically, local fashions have often favored English-style gardens that demand phenomenal volumes of water while being susceptible to pests and diseases.

This places landscaping contractors on the front line, keeping delicate plant species happy in a non-native climate.

In contrast, xeriscaping provides a refreshing alternative, taking into account not only that the plants and trees used in landscape design should be robust to drought and rising temperatures, but also that tactics should vary from region to region within California to yield the best results.

Without a doubt, conditions range dramatically between coastal areas and those inland, while the north and south of the state are distinct, with relatively high moisture and desert conditions respectively.

Zooming in yet further on potential waiting to be harnessed, the savvy xeriscaper will consider local resources, creating garden spaces that reflect water availability, sunlight, and soil conditions.

Alongside native plant species, those from locations such as the Mediterranean basin, Australia, and South Africa are often vibrant additions to a drought tolerant landscape design that always looks its best.

Soil and Irrigation Management

Whether introducing a new Xeriscape HOA landscape Design or converting an existing garden for water cost savings, it is crucial to begin with the basics. At first instance, we must honor that healthy plants make their home in healthy soils.

This is achieved by testing soil to ensure that it is well-draining and offers a hearty balance of organic matter and key nutrients—making any necessary adjustments before establishing the intended landscape design.

When the soil is right, grasses, plants, and trees gain a healthy hold and set their roots quickly. This, in turn, improves the resilience of the soil structure and water retention, allowing the envisioned landscape design to manifest and mature much more quickly.

Another absolute essential to xeriscaping is intelligent irrigation management. This means providing water strategically, only when it is required, and in just the right volumes to maximize use by plants and minimize runoff or evaporation.

Modern advancements in irrigation technology make this a highly accessible goal, both in terms of practicality and cost.

Drip irrigation systems can deliver water directly to the roots of each plant, while grouping species by their relative thirst makes it easier to coordinate water use to the minimum volume, applying different amounts to different areas of the garden.

Better yet, smart irrigation technologies allow for automatic adjustments based on current weather patterns, ensuring that your water bill is never higher than it ought to be.

All of these advancements can be claimed in collaboration with a HOA Water Conservation Specialist from FloraTerra, who will strive to marry your budgetary goals and landscaping dreams.

For All Your Xeriscaping and Commercial Landscape Maintenance Needs

At FloraTerra, we take great pride in delivering water wise and cost-efficient solutions through our small and large property landscaping services in San Jose CA and beyond.

Whether you aim to realize a brand-new landscape or transform your existing green spaces to minimize water and maintenance costs moving forwards, we are here to assist.

Our full-spectrum offering includes tree selection services, HOA drought tolerant landscape design, irrigation design and maintenance, green scaping solutions, and much more. To discover how FloraTerra’s dedicated team of landscaping experts can help you manifest your vision, get in touch today

Call 408.275.1200 or Click Below


Santa Clara CountyAlameda CountySan Mateo County
Silicon Valley, CAFremont, CAPalo Alto, CA
San Jose, CANewark, CAMenlo Park, CA
Santa Clara, CAUnion City, CASan Carlos, CA
Sunnyvale, CAHayward, CABelmont, CA
Mountain View, CASan Leandro, CARedwood City, CA
Cupertino, CAAlameda, CAFoster City, CA
Milpitas, CADublin, CABurlingame, CA
Morgan Hill, CAPleasanton, CADaly City, CA
Gilroy, CALivermore, CASouth San Francisco, CA

A Commercial Landscape Company Mitigates Water Costs

Did you know that the thirstiest feature of your landscape is inevitably its lawned areas? If you didn’t, you’re certainly not alone.

Across California, many gardens—whether decorating commercial, HOA, corporate, or estate properties—feature vast expanses of lawn that are rarely used and mostly only seen from a distance, and their water demands are substantial indeed.

These green expanses require considerable time and resources to maintain, with even small lawns drinking thousands of liters of water per year. Frequently, those overseeing these landscapes are unaware that lawn grass is the culprit behind their runaway water bills or crucially, that there are excellent cost-effective alternatives to explore.

Here at FloraTerra, we specialize in HOA & Condominium Landscape Design in the South Bay Area Ca, and we are ready to guide you towards landscape design solutions that reward with lower future costs and vibrant aesthetics that thrive no matter how lasting the next drought may be.

Read on as we explore how to effectively reduce the resource demands of your lawns or perhaps even reduce or replace them all together.

Intelligent Lawn Care in the California Climate

While lawns may indeed be thirsty presences within commercial landscaping, there are usually savings to be made without waving goodbye to them completely.

Many lawns across the Bay Area are given more water than needed, or watered inefficiently—either with too much provided at once, leading to runoff, or too little, leading to poor root depth and inadequate saturation.

Contemporary irrigation technologies and enhanced understanding of soil and water management allow us to perfect irrigation tactics during drought to minimize waste. By harnessing these approaches, we deliver affordable commercial lawn care in Santa Clara Ca and beyond.

Getting to Know Your Grass

Grass is grass, right? While this may appear to be the case to the untrained eye, in truth, all grasses are not created equal.

For example, warm-season grasses such as Bermuda will put on more growth in the summer, and be best suited to California’s inland locations.

Cool-season grasses such as fescue tend to surge in height during lower-temperature seasons, and while being somewhat less drought tolerant than their warm-season cousins, often do far better in coastal areas.

At FloraTerra a Commercial Landscape Company Located in San Jose Ca, we take great care to select the drought tolerant grasses that will be best suited to each unique location. We also work with our clients to prevent the signs of drought stress and dormancy—or aid in the recovery of lawns that have already endured damage.

Adaptive approaches include responsively reducing fertilization during drought, mowing to optimal grass height to enhance resilience, and streamlining irrigation schedules.

Indications that you can easily spot of lawn drought stress include wilting grass blades, a mottled appearance with tones of gray, yellow, or brown, and indentations that remain several minutes after foot traffic across the area.

Of course, at times a property owners’ hand may be forced to let a lawn fall into dormancy due to local hosepipe bans or financial limitations.

They will be reassured to know that most lawns can survive in this state for 3–6 weeks and be revived with a period of deep watering.

If you are faced with such challenges, turn to a HOA & Commercial Landscape Planning Company like FloraTerra Design Group for advice on drought resistant lawns and essential care for lawns that are dormant. Of course, a lawn alternative can be a valuable avenue to explore at this juncture, but first a note on irrigation!

Irrigating Lawns in a Bay Area Drought

Alongside how much water your lawn gets, when and how it is delivered is also vital in predicting successful maintenance. In most instances, water volumes can be reduced by 25-50% by alternating watering less or more deeply at certain times in the weekly schedule.

Slow, deep soaking can encourage deeper root growth, while shorter cycles minimize runoff and evaporation.

Irrigation should be calculated based on evaporation and transpiration factors, making it something of a science. However, this investigative process provides the ultimate benefit of shrinking water bills and a greatly improved landscaping aesthetic.

Irrigation systems should also be carefully maintained to avoid leaks and water misdirection. Physical inspections for broken heads and the use of soil moisture probes can confirm that water is being delivered as it should be.

Meanwhile, a specialist San Jose HOA and Condominium Lawn Maintenance Service provider like FloraTerra will be able to walk you through the ROI implications of upgrading to smart irrigation technology.

These are systems that automatically adjust based on temperatures and weather patterns. Crucially, our goal is to ensure that your landscaping becomes more cost effective over time, and we are always happy to provide guidance on what can be achieved within your budget.

Opting For Spectacular Lawn Replacement Solutions

There are countless options to consider in place of costly lawned areas.

While property owners may wish to retain some lawn spaces for relaxation, play, or aesthetic reasons, others may be supplemented with artistic xeriscaping, hardscaping, sheet mulching, and native-style beds and shrubberies.

Making these options all the more tempting, a diversity of rebates is available across California to those replacing lawn and upgrading irrigation under the right conditions.

FloraTerra is proud to provide our clients with support in navigating the various rebate schemes that can be accessed alongside lawn replacement in California.

Depending on your location and the nature and size of your landscape design, we are happy to connect you with the right authority and provide advice on what is possible and the steps to follow in meeting necessary requirements.

If you are ready to discover an HOA landscape company creating incredible drought tolerant outdoor spaces in San Jose and beyond, we are waiting to hear from you.

Water wise lawn management is a powerful resource within the landscaping cost reduction toolkit, and we are here to aid you in getting the upper hand   on drought—so contact our team today.

Call 408.275.1200 or Click Below
Santa Clara CountyAlameda CountySan Mateo County
Silicon Valley, CAFremont, CAPalo Alto, CA
San Jose, CANewark, CAMenlo Park, CA
Santa Clara, CAUnion City, CASan Carlos, CA
Sunnyvale, CAHayward, CABelmont, CA
Mountain View, CASan Leandro, CARedwood City, CA
Cupertino, CAAlameda, CAFoster City, CA
Milpitas, CADublin, CABurlingame, CA
Morgan Hill, CAPleasanton, CADaly City, CA
Gilroy, CALivermore, CASouth San Francisco, CA